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ATM 230 Aerosol Generator

Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 230 for aerosol generation from liquids, compressed air operated, high mass flow rate

The Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 230 produces droplet aerosols with known properties according to the guideline VDI 3491-2.
Atomizer Aerosolgenerator ATM 230, Vorderansicht
Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 230, frontal view
The ATM 230 is designed as a serial instrument with an external compressed air supply. The liquid reservoir is arranged within the housing.

The ATM 230 provides a high aerosol output. Its design and technical solution warrants highly constant particle size distributions as well as particle concentration with high reproducibility.

The ATM 230 is able to aerosolise various liquids, for example PAO (Emery 3004), DEHS, salt solutions, PSL-standards suspensions.


VDI 3491-2
VDI 4258-1
ISO 21083-1
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  • polydisperse aerosol, mainly below 1 μm (DEHS)
  • excellent stability in generation of particle size distribution and particle concentration
  • suitable to produce PSL aerosols
  • by variation of the nozzle pressure, the particle production rate can be adjusted in a wide range


  • testing of HEPA and ULPA filters and filter media
  • acceptance tests of large cleanroom facilities
  • visualisation of air flows (tracer particles)

The atomizer is the core component of the ATM 230. It is made of high quality stainless steel and works as a two-stream nozzle, based on the injection principle. The atomizer is equiped with a impaction plate that serves for removal of coarse droplets.

Parameter titleUnitValue
setting parameter - system pressure
setting range bar max. 6
setting resolution - continously adjustable
setting method - manual
aerosol, volumetric flow rate L/h 500 ... 2500
aerosol, mass flow rate (aerosol substance) g/h max. 20
operating medium, aerosol substance - pure liquids (DEHS, PAO, ...), solutions (NaCl, KCl, ...), suspensions (PSL, A1, ...)
operating medium, aerosol substance - filling volume mL 100 ... 500
operating medium, gas/air - dry, particle-free air or pressurised inert gas
operating medium, gas/air - compressed air supply bar max. 8
environmental condition, max. counterpressure kPa 20
hose connector, outlet mm Ø 19 (outer diameter)
dimensions (w × h × d) mm 230 × 225 × 380
weight kg 3,9
  • aerosol substance DEHS
  • further aerosol substances e.g. PAO (Emery 3004) on request
  • upgrade kit for operation with salt solutions
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