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[Translate to English:] Neuigkeiten aus Forschung und Industrie

Climate-friendly, efficient and sustainable filtration: That is what the 17. Symposium of the Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) that is…

Topas Inc. is ready for the future of filtration

The countdown is on! April marks the beginning of the 2025 exhibition year for Topas Inc. First, our experts are heading to FiltCon 2025, organized by…

One week in a few seconds

Have you ever wondered how long it takes to set up a PAF 113 test system for particle separation and gas absorption? No longer than 30 seconds – at…

Let’s get STARTed…

…for one of the most important conferences in aerosol science which is organised by GAeF Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung e.V. and is taking place in…

Don’t worry be happy ….

… with a test system that has been especially redesigned for production control. Our filter media tester MBP 116 has been upgraded with several new…

Positive response to Topas novelties

The year is already six weeks old - but which of our goals have we already tackled? A particularly important goal of our development engineers is to…



15. Symposium TEXTILE FILTER

Chemnitz, Deutschland



Wien, Österrreich


Lounges Cleanroom Processes 2025

Karlsruhe, Deutschland

Good to know

What was going on at Topas last quarter?

What new technologies have we been working on recently? At which trade fairs were our experts on the road? Were there any new publications in scientific journals? You can read all this and more in TOPics, our quarterly newsletter.