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Neuigkeiten aus Forschung und Industrie

Climate-friendly, efficient and sustainable filtration: That is what the 17. Symposium of the Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) that is taking place these days is all about. Around 80 participants discuss and showcase the future of non-woven materials at the accompanying exhibition. Of course, we are taking part in Chemnitz and are curious to hear about the changes in technology.

At the same time, we are present at the “Kolloquium Luftqualität an Straßen” in Bergisch-Gladbach, organised by Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen e.V. (FGSV) and BAST. Here, everything revolves around the new EU-guidelines on limits for airborne pollutants and the Euro-7-norms about break and tyre wear. Moreover, the 150 participants are able to exchange ideas during presentations and posters where we also made our scientific contribution.

We highly appreciate this exchange and look forward to more nice conversations tomorrow!
