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TDD 590 Thermodenuder

Thermodenuder TDD 590 for removal of volatile organic components (VOC) from aerosols

The Model TDD 590 thermodenuder is designed to remove moisture and volatile particles from an aerosol sample for the subsequent measurement of dry particle size. There are a lot of industrial applications the particle size distribution of hot gases is interesting for.
TDD 590 Thermodenuder, Vorderansicht
TDD 590 Thermodenuder, frontside
The specification of many particle size measuring instruments does not allow analysing gas with high temperatures which required a cooling of the sample. When cooling takes place condensation processes will occur and volatile particles can be formed by nucleation. Both processes produce particles or change particle size of solid compounds in the gas by heterogeneous condensation on particle surfaces. So results of particle measurements include a systematic error.

For avoiding such measuring errors thermodenuders are used. By regulating the sample temperature such devices enable reducing moisture as well as volatile particles in the sample aerosol flow. Thus condensation processes during cooling down are widely prevented.


VDI 3491-6
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  • efficent removal of volatile organic components (VOCs) from streaming gases or aerosols
  • high efficiency due to high residence time and high temperature(temperatur control up to 400 °C)
  • long operating life of the activated carbon by large storage capacity
  • made of VOC inert material
  • suitable as flexible laboratory equipment and as system element


  • particle measurements in hot exhaust gases
  • separation of vaporous phases off hot aerosols
  • removing volatile particles and precursors from aerosol sample
  • aerosol research

Active carbon surrounding the flowpath of the particle-gas mixture removes the volatile compounds using the physical effect of adsorption. According to the adjusted temperature, specific components were extracted from the aerosol gas. The size distribution of particles in the aerosol is not influenced.

The hot aerosol or exhaust gas containing particles is directed into the thermodenuder where it is heated to a pre-set temperature. A built-in microprocessor controller displaying actual and set values is used to achieve precise adjustment of the temperature. The temperature can be varied easily with three or four touch keys at the temperature controller.

Volatile particles completely evaporate in the heating section. Hereby volatile particles are defined as particles evaporating during the residence time inside the thermodenuder at the pre-set temperature. Adsorbents in the aerosol diffuse to the surface of the active carbon due to the different concentration of the adsorbents between the volume with carbon and the gas.

As a result only solid particles are left in the aerosol. The TDD 590 thermodenuder operates with minimal loss as the particles never come in direct contact with the active carbon.

Parameter titleUnitValue
purpose of use - removal of volatile organic components (VOC) from sample flow rate
setting parameter temperature
setting range °C max. 400
setting resolution K 1
sample condition, outlet - aerosol/gas sample without volatile organic components
operating medium - activated carbon (6 L, grain size 2,5 mm)
volumetric flow rate, inlet L/min 0,1 ... 3,0
sample condition, inlet - aerosol/gas sample with volatile organic components
power supply - 230 V AC, 50 ... 60 Hz (optional 110 V AC, 50 ... 60 Hz)
connector, inlet - 6 mm Swagelok
power consumption W 400 (350)
dimensions (w × h × d) mm 200 × 250 × 1200
weight kg 11,5
  • active charcoal
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