Busy, busier, Topas: more scientific publications than ever before
Last year, we were more successful than ever before: namely in terms of scientific publications. In total, our experts were directly involved in nine posters, eight oral presentations, two inproceedings and three articles. This makes a total of 22 contributions and means that we recorded the highest level of scientific activity since we began our efforts in this area. This equates an increase of almost 30 per cent in comparison to 2023.
Substantively, 2024 focused on fluctuation analysis for scattered light aerosol spectrometers, molecular filtration, dilution and calibration. These are all topics that we research when developing and optimising our products, such as the innovations in the LAP 324 particle counter, the FCS 249 mobile field calibration system,the DDS 560 dilution system or the new test system FCT 113 for fuel cell air intake filters and the gas adsorption filter test system GAF 114. These research projects also show us the wide range of applications for our technologies.
Finally, a quick look ahead: although the new year is still very young, many exciting projects are already in the pipeline. We can hardly wait to see what new discoveries will be made in 2025!