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AFC 135 Test System

Test System AFC 135 for development, testing and calibration of active or passive aerosol sensors (PM sensors, PN sensors)

The Aerosol Sensor Test System AFC 135 combines the features of the successfully established test systems for filter media and elements (AFC 131/AFC 132).
Aerosol-Sensor-Prüfstand AFC 135, VorderansichtAerosol-Sensor-Prüfstand AFC 135 mit Glaskanal, VorderansichtDiverse Probenhalter des AFC135 für Sensoren, Probenahmesonden, Flachmedien und weitere Bauteile
Aerosol Sensor Test System AFC 135, front viewAerosol Sensor Test System AFC 135 with glass channel, front viewVarious sample holders of the AFC135 for sensors, sampling probes, flat media and other components
Additionally the range of application ius extended to the development, testing and calibration of sensors for number or mass-related determination of the particle loading of aerosols (PMx-and PNx- sensors). The wide field of application is made possible on the one hand by the flexible sensor integration (active and passive sensors) and on the other hand by the realisation of a wide volume flow range. On customer request, the test system can be equipped with 2 measuring sections to cover volume flow rates between 0,8 ... 40 m³/h and 40 ... 450 m³/h.
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  • providing stable, defined aerosols at variable volume flow rates
  • generation of solid and/or droplet aerosols
  • adaption to customer-specific requirements possible
  • integration of Topas equipment and external devices


  • calibration and quality assurance of PM sensors during production
  • testing of PMx and PNx fine dust sensors during development
  • studies on the ageing behaviour of sensors
  • aerosol-technical fundamental resear

The main components of the test system are: a controlled blower to generate the main volume flow, a measuring duct divided into 3 sections, an aerosol generator (ATM 222) to generate the test aerosol and a laser aerosol spectrometer (LAP 323) for the reference aerosol analysis. The blower sucks ambient air through the measuring duct via a pre-filter. Thereby exposing the air in the first duct section to a test aerosol. A distribution system ensures an optimal distribution of the test aerosol in the measuring duct.

Parameter titleUnitValue
test flow rate m³/h 0,8 ... 450
test concentration µg/m³ 5 ... 1000 (for 100 m³/h)
differential pressure of test specimen Pa max. 10000 Pa (für 450 m³/h)
operating medium, gas/air - compressed air supply bar max. 10
power supply - 400 VAC, 25 A
particle measurement instruments - customer-specific (e.g. aerosol spectrometer LAP 323)
sensors, others - differential pressure, temperature, relative humidity, absolut pressure
channel cross section, dimensions mm 150 (inner diameter)
dimensions (w × h × d) mm 2300 × 1500 × 900
weight kg approx. 400
  • customer-specific devices and sensors is possible on request
  • various sample holders of the AFC 135 for sensors, sampling probes, flat media and other components