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ABP 115 Test System

ABP 115 test system for testing industrial filters and engine air filters, for ISO 5011

The ABP 115 engine filter test system performs tests according to standard ISO 5011 (test of inlet air cleaning filters for combustion engines and industrial machinery).
ABP 115 Motoransaugfilter-Prüfstand , VorderansichtABP 115 Motoransaugfilter-Prüfstand, Vorderansicht
ABP 115 Air Intake Filter Test System , front viewABP 115 Air Intake Filter Test System, front view
Results are:

- differential pressure versus air flow rate:
- differential pressure of the filter assembly
- air restriction (relative pressure against ambient)
- dust loading capacity (related to differential pressure increase)
- gravimetric efficiency
- downstream particle size monitoring


ISO 5011
ISO 12103-1
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  • powerful two-stage generation of the volume flow
  • precise flow rate measurement with adjustment for every application (ISO 5011, ISO 10263)
  • mass flow regulated dust dosing
  • high grade of automation, mostly automated test runs with complete operator guiding, data handling and protocols


  • tests of engine intake filters according to standard ISO 5011
  • tests according to customer-specific standards
Parameter titleUnitValue
test flow rate m³/min 2 ... 50 (for normal conditions at 20°C and 1013 hPa)
measuring range, differential pressure Pa ≤ 15000
operating medium, gas/air - compressed air supply bar 6
power supply - 400 VAC, 125 A
test aerosol - test dust ISO 12103-1 A2 (AC fine), ISO 12103-1 A4 (AC coarse)
  • additional pressure sensors to measure complete air inlet systems
  • water injection system and water separators
  • particle measurement
  • scavenging Line