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FCS 249 Field Calibration System

FCS 249 Field Calibration System for aerosol generation from liquids, best for calibration of condensation particle counters and electrical aerosol monitors

The FCS 249 is a mobile system for the defined generation of reference and test aerosols, which can be varied with respect to the particle number concentration in a wide working range.
Feld-Kalibriersystem FCS 249, d.h. ein Aerosolgenerator zur Produktion von Kalibrieraerosolen, VorderansichtField Calibration System FCS 249, d.h. ein Aerosolgenerator zur Produktion von Kalibrieraerosolen, SeitenansichtREM-Aufnahme von Prüfaerosolpartikeln, hergestellt mit dem FCS 249Beispiel einstellbarer Partikelanzahlkonzentrationen bei FCS 249 Betrieb mit isotonischer Kochsalzlösung (NaCL)Bedienoberfläche des FCS 249
Field Calibration System FCS 249, i.e., an aerosol generator for the production of calibration aerosols, frontsideField Calibration System FCS 249, i.e., an aerosol generator for the production of calibration aerosols, side viewSEM image of test aerosol particles generated by FCS 249example of adjustable particle number concentration niveaus for FCS 249 operation with isotonic saline solution (NaCl)User interface of FCS 249
In particular, the FCS 249 is suitable for the validation of condensation particle counters (CPC) or electrical aerosol monitors, which are applied for the particle number concentration measurement in exhaust gases of vehicles according to the "AU-Geräte Kalibrierrichtlinie (German exhaust emission test equipment calibration guideline)".


STV 23/7355.2/2
VDI 3491-2
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  • complies with all NaCl test aerosol requirements of the German exhaust emission test equipment calibration guideline
  • suitable for use in harsh workshop conditions
  • suitable for commercial low-concentration NaCl solutions
  • mobile system (portable, no compressed air required, power supply needed)
  • reactionless aerosol sampling
  • 7 via touch screen adjustable points of particle concentration (with trim function)


The FCS 249 is a combination of aerosol generator, volume flow unit, drying unit and distributor. Schematic depiction of the functional principle of FCS 249 (DUT – device under test). When producing test aerosols from aqueous solutions, initially a droplet aerosol is generated via a two-substance nozzle. Subsequently, this is passed through a dry atmosphere, which removes the moisture from the streaming aerosol by diffusion. In the case of salt solutions, an undisturbed, homogeneous crystallisation is thereby ensured, leading to the formation of compact, completely dried salt particles.

functional principle of FCS 249
Parameter titleUnitValue
setting parameter 1/cm³ particle number concentration
setting range 1/cm³ 0 ... 10⁶ (for aqueous 0,9 wt.-% NaCl solution)
setting resolution - 7 concentration stages
aerosol, volumetric flow rate L/min 20
operating medium, aerosol substance - filling volume mL 40 ... 80
power supply - 230 V AC or 110 V AC (specified at order), 0,34 A, 50/60 Hz
hose connector, outlet mm Ø 10 (3 ports)
power consumption W max. 75
noise emission dB(A) max. 59,3
environmental condition, max. counterpressure kPa 20
dimensions (w × h × d) mm 260 × 480 × 250
weight kg 11,0

Silimar products

FCS 248

Fotometer-Calibration-System FCS 248 for aerosol generation from liquids, ideal for calibration of aerosol fotometers and particle counters

Fotometer Calibration System FCS 248, front view
detail view