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ATM 228 Aerosol Generator

Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 228 for aerosol generation from liquids for mobile use, integrated compressor, pneumitic-controlled, remote controllable

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The aerosol generator ATM 228 is a further development of the ATM 226 aerosol generator and serves for the mobile generation of test and calibration aerosols from pure liquids, solutions and suspensions. The generator complies to all requirements of VDI 3491-2.
Atomizer Aerosolgenerator ATM 228 zur Reinraumvalidierung, VorderansichtAtomizer Aerosolgenerator ATM 228 zur Reinraumvalidierung, Vorderansicht, mit KabelGeräteset zur Reinraumvalidierung bestehend aus Aerosolgenerator ATM 228, Verdünnungssystem DIL 554, Probenahmesonde SYS 529 und Reinraumzähler LAP 340
Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 228 for cleanroom validation, frontsideAtomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 228 for cleanroom validation, frontside, with cableClean Room Validation Equipment composed of aerosol generator ATM 228, dilution system DIL 554, sampling probe SYS 529 and cleanroom particle counter LAP 340
Aerosol generation is realised by a brushless compressor. Accordingly, no external compressed air supply is required. For the purpose of reproducible and long-term stable aerosol generation, the air flow rate is controlled via the pressure drop over the nozzle. This allows also a reproducible and stable generator operation even at very low air flow rates and thus also at lowest particle production rates.


VDI 3491-2
VDI 4258-1
ISO 14644-3
DIN EN 12469
DIN 12980
ISO 21083-1
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+49 (351) 2166 430


  • stable aerosol generation even at lowest particle production rates
  • safe and reproducible adjustment of operating points
  • suitable for mobile operation (internal compressor, optional battery operation mode)
  • remote control via serial interface (optional)


For the dispersion of the substance to be aerosolised (aerosol substance), the ATM 228 is equipped with a two-substance nozzle designed by the Topas GmbH. The nozzle is operated within or above the aerosol substance (submerged or non-submerged operation mode) and consists of two inlet ports for the supply of air as well as aerosol substance and one outlet port for the generated primary aerosol.

The supply of a defined air flow rate causes a negative pressure at the nozzle inlet port for the aerosol substance. The aerosol substance flows thus into the dispersion zone of the nozzle, where aerosol substance and gas flow converge and form a droplet aerosol.

Parameter titleUnitValue
setting parameter hPa differential nozzle pressure
setting range hPa 0 ... 1400
setting resolution hPa 1 (≤ 50), 5 (> 50)
setting method - manual, controlled
aerosol, volumetric flow rate L/h 20 ... 250
aerosol, mass flow rate (aerosol substance) g/h 0 ... 1,4
operation medium, gas/air - ambient air (filtered internally)
operation medium, aerosol substance - liquids (DEHS, PAO,...), solutions (NaCl, KCl,...), suspensions (PSL,...)
operating medium, aerosol substance - filling volume mL max. 80
power supply - 100 ... 240 V AC, 12 V DC (optional battery operation)
hose connector, outlet mm Ø 8
power consumption W max. 36
environmental condition, max. counterpressure kPa 20
dimensions (w × h × d) mm 120 × 195 × 300
weight kg 3,9
  • battery connection cable / interface cable
  • diffusion dryer (DDU 570/L, DDU 570/H)
  • aerosol substance (DEHS, PAO, PSL)
  • carry case
  • aerosol dilution system (DIL 554), stainless steel, battery operation
  • isokinetic rectangular sampling probe (SYS 529) according to EN ISO 14644-3 and VDI 2083-3
  • cleanroom particle counter (LAP 340)
  • software for cleanroom validation (CRQWin)
  • particle instruments interface modul (terminal program)
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  • Özyurt O. Methods of classifying aerosol types by using scattering of light 2022 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA). 0 (2022) 0, 1 - 6
  • Weng C.-H., Chiu P.-W., Kao C.-L., Lin Y.-Y. and Lin C.-H. Combating COVID-19 during airway management: Validation of a protection tent for containing aerosols and droplets Appl. Sci. 11 (2021) 16, 7245

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