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ATM 221 Aerosol Generator

Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 221 for aerosol generation from liquids, compressed air operated, base model with submerged nozzle

The aerosol generator ATM 221 provides aersols with low particle numbers.
Atomizer Aerosolgenerator ATM 221, VorderseiteAtomizer Aerosolgenerator ATM 221, Seitenansicht
Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 221, front viewAtomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 221, side view
For applications where a very precise setting of smaller particle production rates are required (up to 0,6 g/h), the model ATM 221 was developed.

A further range of application for aerosol generators is calibration of measuring.


VDI 3491-2
VDI 4258-1
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  • generation of polydisperse aerosols, mainly submicron (
  • long-term stable generation of aerosols
  • low aerosol ejection due to head purging and submerged nozzle


  • aerosol generation from pure liquids, solutions and suspensions
  • fractional efficiency testing of filter media and filter elements
  • generation of long-term stable test and process aerosols
  • calibration and validation of particle measuring techniques

The atomizer is the key part of the ATM 220. It is made of high quality stainless steel and works as a two-stream nozzle, based on the injection principle. The unique feature is that the outlet points towards the wall of the glass vessel which works as the baffle plate. This particle impaction section removes coarse spray droplets and results in a particle size distribution mainly below 1 µm. The air is cleaned by a HEPA-filter before it is introduced to the atomizer.

At the aerosol generator ATM 221 the nozzle is immersed in the liquid in order to ensure setting of small mass flows with a very high reproducibility.

Parameter titleUnitValue
setting parameter - system pressure
setting range bar max 2,5
setting resolution - continously adjustable
setting method - manual
aerosol, volumetric flow rate L/h 50 ... 130
aerosol, mass flow rate (aerosol substance) g/h max. 0,6
operating medium, aerosol substance - liquids (DEHS, PAO, DOP, ...), solutions (salts, ...), suspensions (PSL, ...)
operating medium, aerosol substance - filling volume mL 40 ... 80
operating medium, gas/air - dry, particle-free compressed air or pressurised inert gas
operating medium, gas/air - compressed air supply bar max. 8 bar
environmental condition, max. counterpressure kPa 20
aerosol generation principle - submerged Collison two substance nozzle
hose connector, outlet mm Ø 8 (outer diameter)
dimensions (w × h × d) mm 220 × 270 × 150
weight kg 1,9
  • Aerosol liquid DEHS
  • further aerosol liquids e.g. PAO (Emery 3004) on request
  • diffusion dryer (DDU 570/L, DDU 570/H)
  • Lampimäki M., Baalbaki R., Ahonen L., Korhonen F., Cai R., Chan T., Stolzenburg D., Petäjä T., Kangasluoma J., Vanhanen J., Lehtipalo K. Novel aerosol diluter – Size dependent characterization down to 1 nm particle size Journal of Aerosol Science 172 (2023) 106180,
  • Musavi Z., Zhang Y., Robert E., Engvall K. Experimental and numerical investigation of flow field and soot particle size distribution of methane-containing gas mixtures in a swirling burner ACS OMEGA 7 (2022) 1, 469 - 479
  • Mendes L., Eleftheriadis K., Biskos G. Performance comparison of two thermodenuders in Volatility Tandem DMA measurements Journal of Aerosol Science 92 (2016) 2, 38 - 52

Silimar products

ATM 222

Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 222 for aerosol generation from liquids, compressed air operated, pneumitic-controlled, remote controllable

Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 222 frontside
detail view

ATM 231

Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 231 for aerosol generation from liquids, compressed air operated, submerged nozzle, high mass flow rates

Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 231, front view
detail view