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PAFWin Analysing Software

PAFWin software for the configuration, control, data logging and data analyses for Topas Test Systems

PAFWin is a user-friendly software for test rig control and data acquisition, especially for filter test rigs.
PAFWin Steuersoftware für Abscheidegradermittlung, Screenshot
PAFWin Control Software for Fractional Efficiency, Screenshot
It runs under Windows platforms and visualizes the test rig as well as the running test in realtime. For a lot of specific instruments like aerosol generators, particle sizer/counter, gas analyzer, gas dosing systems particular software components are available. Performing test rig validation is supported by several Excel spreadsheets.
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  • automatic test procedures according to instructions as given by existing standards and guidelines
  • manual control of single test rig components for calibration, service and research tasks
  • datalogger for long-term investigations
  • filter sample and types data base
  • test dust and test gas database
  • graphics, tables for data presentation and statistical functions
  • clip board functions, dynamic data transfer to Excel spreadsheets


  • differential pressure test
  • determination dust loading capacity
  • emission testing according to EN 60312
  • gas adsorption measurements of cabin air filters (DIN 71460, ISO 11155-2)
  • particle filtration measurements of cabin air filters (DIN 71460, ISO 11155-1)
  • testing fractional efficiencies of general air filters (EN 779, Ashrae 52.2)
  • hardware connection with different IO- or industrial bus systems, enabling adaptation to existing facilities
  • device control of various particle counters and gas analysers
  • many control tasks for additional devices can be handled (temperature, humidity, volume flow, etc.)
  • network-compatible data base system
  • closed testing and validation of realised testing procedures