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Supporting the development of future technologies

As a future-oriented company, sustainable technologies are a key concern for us. For research on hydrogen combustion engines, we support i. a. the Technische Universität Graz by providing our technology. The aim of the research project, which has been running since autumn 2021 and is sponsored by the Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e.V. (FVV), is to optimise hydrogen engines in terms of consumption, pollutant emissions and suitability for everyday use. It is known that with increasing mileage, signs of wear occur, which can significantly increase the amount of engine oil entering the combustion chamber. To simulate the influence of different oils, the scientists use an ATM210 aerosol generator designed for counterpressure application. We are eagerly awaiting the test results, which will bring us a step closer to the use of alternative future technologies.

Test in the laboratory on the hydrogen engine with aerosol generator ATM 210