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DEHS Aerosol Substance

Liquid aerosol substance DEHS for operation with aerosol generators of the series ATM

Di-Ethyl-Hexyl-Sebacat (DEHS) is a no soluble, colourless and odourless liquid which is suitable for producing steady aerosols.
DEHS Aerosolflüssigkeit für Atomizer in Flasche zu 80ml
DEHS Aerosol Liquid for Atomizer in bottle a 80ml
The main proportion of droplets generated by aerosol generators series ATM can to be stated in the most penetration particle size (MPPS 0,2 … 0,3 µm). DEHS is a proven aerosol liquid for challenging clean rooms and laminar flow boxes. Also common are DOP and Emery 3004 which are also available on request. The long life time of droplets enables also to use the aerosol for stream visualisation. DEHS evaporates completely after long times. A droplet with a 0,3 µm diameter has a life time of 4 hours.

Please find more specifications in the DEHS data sheet. Available upon request with LOT-certificate (batch certificate).


  • low vapor pressure for increased aerosol lifetime (even at higher temperatures)
  • dispersing results in quasi ideal, spherical airborne particles
  • dispersing results in macroscopic neutral charged aerosols


  • generation of polydisperse aerosols with particle sizes below 1 µm for filter tests and challenging clean room equipment
  • production of seeding particles for stream visualisation
  • generation of monodisperse aerosols for aerosol research applications by using the condensation principle

In addition to Emery 3004 (available on request), DEHS has proven its suitability for aerosol generation, especially for the acceptance and monitoring of cleanroom systems. One of the advantages of DEHS as an aerosol material is the long service life of the particles. This makes it possible to examine filter media and use the aerosol as tracer particles. DEHS evaporates after a long time without leaving residues (0,3 µm particles after about 4 hours).

Parameter titleUnitValue
purpose of use - liquid aerosol substance for the generation of test aerosols
material - di-ethyl-hexyl-sebacate
quantity L 1,0 | 5,0 | 20,0
  • Smolík J. and Zdímal V. Condensation of supersaturated vapors. Homogenious nucleation of bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)sebacate (DEHS) J. Aerosol Sci. 24 (1993) 5, 589 - 596

Silimar products

PAO (Emery)

liquid aerosol substance poly alpha olefin (PAO, Emery 3004) for operation with aerosol generators of the series ATM

poly alpha olefin (PAO, Emery 3004), 1l
detail view